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Francia, Saint-Omer
L'Histoire des Pays-Bas depuis l'an mil cinq cens soixante jusques à la fin de l'an mil six cens et deux [Suivi de : Le Deuxiesme volume des guerres du Pays-Bas contenant ce qui s'y est fait depuis l'an 1581 jusques à la fin de l'an 1602 tirée de l'Histoire de Jean-François Le Petit par S. Goulart] A S. Gervais parJean Vignon1604
A treatise of three conuersions of England from paganisme to Christian religion. The first vnder the Apostles, in the first age after Christ: the second vnder Pope Eleutherius and K. Lucius, in the second age. The third, vnder Pope Gregory the Great, and K. Ethelbert in the sixth age; vvith diuers other matters thereunto apperteyning. Diuided into three partes, as appeareth in the next page. The former two whereof are handled in this booke, and dedicated to the Catholikes of England. VVith a nevv addition to the said Catholikes, vpon the nevvs of the late Q. death. and succession of his Maiestie of Scotland, to the crovvne of England. By N.D. author of the VVard-vvord. [Saint-Omer] Imprinted [by François Bellet] vvith licence 1603 [-1604]
De Artificiali Perspectiva Viator. Tertio Saint-Nicolas (pres de Toul) 1521
God and the King or a Dialogue wherein is treated of Allegiance due to our most Gracious Lord, King Iames, within his dominions which (by remouing all controuersies and causes of dissentions and suspitions) bindeth subiects by an inuiolable band of loue [and] duty, to their soueraigne translated out of Latin into English Printed at Cullen [i.e. Saint Omer] [English College Press]1620
Londons looking-glasse or The copy of a letter / written by an English trauayler to the apprentices of London [D.N.] [Saint-Omer English College Press]1621
Obseruations concerning the present affaires of Holland and the Vnited Prouinces, made by an English gentleman there lately resident, [and] since written by himselfe from Paris, to his friend in England. [Saint-Omer English College Press] 1621