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Jhon Stow, The annales or general Chronicle of England. Augmented by Edmund Howes. fº. Londini, 1615.
Samuel Daniel, The Collection of the historie of England. fº. London.
William Martin, The historie and liues of the Kings of England. fº. London, 1615.
Francis Bacon, Viscount Sain t Alban, The lyfe of Henry the 7 King of England. fº. London, 1622.
Richard Hakluyt, The principall nauigations, voyages, traffiques and discouertes of the English nation. fº. London, 1599.2bus volum.
The Romaine historie. Written by Fliuius of Padua. Translated by Phillip Holland. fº. 2 volum. London, 1600.
The works of Josephus. fº. Translated by Thom Lodge. London, 1602.
Edward Topsell, The historie of foure footed beasts. fº. London, 1607.
Pedro Mexia, The historie of all the roman emperors. fº. London, 1604.
The historie of Francesco Guicciardin containing the warres of Italie, etc. fº. London, 1599
Nicholo Machiauelli, The florentin historie. fº. London, 1595.
Martin Fumee, The historie of the troubles of Hungarie. fº. London, 1600.
The historie of Justin. fº. London, 1606.
The Historie of Philip de Commines. fº. London, 1601.
Suetonius Tranquillus, The historie of Twelve Cesars Emperors of Rome. fº. London, 1606.
Jhon Speed, The historie of Great Britannie vnder the comquests of the Romans, Saxons, danes and normans. fº. London, 1611.
Fynes Morysons, Itinerarie diuided into 3 parts. fº. London, 1617.
Samuell Daniell, The first parts of the historie of England. 4º. London, 1613.
Jhon Stow, A Suruay of London. 4º. London, 1599.
Jhon Stow, The abridgement of the English Chronicle. 8º. London, 1618.
Obseruations concerning the estate and present affaires of Holland. 8º. 1621.
The view of France. 4º.
A Christian Directorie guiding men to their saluation. 8º. Louan, 1598.
William Rainolds, Refutation of the cauills and false fleights of M. Whitaker. 8º. Paris, 1583.
A breife and cleare confutation of a new vaine and vaunting chalenge made by O. E.. 8º. 1603.
A detection of the Diuells Sophistrie. 8º. London, 1546.
The third part of a treatise intituled: the 3 conuersions of England against for his martyrlodge. 8º. 2 volum. 1604.
Jhon Hunts, Appeale to the Kings maiestie. 4º. 1620.
A letter of Martin Luther to Henry the 8 King of England and the Kings answer vnto it. 8º. London.
William Peryns, Spirituall exercises. 8º. London, 1557.
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