Resultado: 4844 libros encontrados.
Título Autor Lugar Impresor/editor Fecha
Terceira década da Asia En Lisboa per Ioam de Barreira 1563 Barros, João de Portugal, Lisboa Barreira, João de, Imp. 1563
Tercer tomo de la perfeccion christiana en los estados de continencia y religion, y en la guarda de los consejos euangelicos / por el padre Luys de la Puente, de la Compañía de Iesus.. En Pamplona por Nicolas de Asiayn 1616 Puente, Luis de la (S.I.) España, Pamplona Asiaín, Nicolás de, Imp. 1616
Tercera Crónica General. Parte IV s. XV
Tercera parte d[e]l libro llamado Abecedario Esp[irit]ual... / [por Francisco de Osuna] Agora nueuamente impresso en... Toledo por maestre Remon de Petras ympressor de libros, 1527 Francisco de Osuna (O.F.M.) España, Toledo Petras, Ramón de, Imp. 1527
Tercera parte de la monarchia mystica de la Yglesia hecha de hieroglificos sacados de humanas, y diuinas letras : tratanse en ella las alabanzas y prerrogatiuas de la Virgen madre, y Señora nuestra, con sus nueue fiestas principales, y mas tres symbolos del Rosario, Nieues, Soledad, y llanto de la misma Virgen compuesta por el padre ... Fray Lorenço de Zamora ... En Madrid por Iuan de la Cuesta : vendese en casa de Francisco de Robles 1611 Zamora, Lorenzo de España, Madrid Cuesta, Juan de la, Imp., Robles, Francisco de, Imp. ed. y libr. 1611
Tercera parte de las Chronicas de la Orden de los Frayles Menores del ... Padre Sant Francisco cuenta de la reformacion y obseruancia de la mesma Orden y su augmento, la qual començo ... antes del año de mil y quatrocientos ... hasta ... mil y quinientos y veynte nueuamente ordenada y sacada de los libros y memoriales de la orden por Fray Marcos de Lisboa, frayle menor de la Obseruancia ... ; esta dividida... en diez libros ... En Salamanca en casa de Alexandro de Canoua 1570 España, Salamanca Cánova, Alejandro de, Imp. 1570
Tercera y quarta parte del imbencible principe do[n] Belianis de Grecia : en que se cue[n]ta la libertad de la princessas que de Babilonia fuero[n] lleuadas ... Impresso en Burgos porPedro de Sa[n]tillana 1579 Fernandez, Jerónimo España, Burgos Santillana, Pedro de, Imp. 1579
Terencius / a M. Antonio Mureto emendatus; ex argumentis in singulas fabulas et scenas illustratus, denùo ex collatione ... emendatissimè excusus, vulgatae annotatiunculae in margine adscriptae ..., indez vocum antiquarum apud Terentium Londini Typographia Societatis Stationariorum , 1620 Terencio Africano, Publio Gran Bretaña, Londres Typographia Societatis Stationariorum, (Londres), Imp. 1620
Terentius a M. Antonio Mureto emendatus, et argumentis in singulas fabulas et sccenas illustratus. Vulgatae annotatiunculae in margine adscriptae. Index vocum antiquarum apud Terentium. Seorsum excusae Annotationes Mureti, auctae à Francisco Fabricio Marcodurano. .. Antuerpiae ex officina Christophori Plantini 1580 Terentius Afer, Publius Bélgica, Amberes Plantiniana, Oficina (Amberes), Imp. 1580
Tēs kainēs diathēkēs apanta = Nouum Testamentum. Ex Bibliotheca Regia Lutetiae ex officinaRoberti Stephani...,1546 Francia, París Estienne, Robert, Imp. 1546
Tēs kainēs diathēkēs hapanta, eyaggelion. Kata Matthaion. Kata Markon. Kata Loykan. Kata Ioannio. Praxeis ton apostolon. = Novum Iesu Christi D.N. Testamentum... Lutetiae ex officinaRoberti Stephani,1550-1567 Francia, París Estienne, Robert, Imp. 1550-1567
Tesoro de la lengua castellana, o española / compuesto por... Sebastian de Cobarrubias Orozco.. En Madrid Por Luis Sanchez,publisher 1611 Covarrubias Orozco, Sebastián de España, Madrid Sánchez, Luis, Imp. 1611
Tesoro de las dos lenguas francesa y española = Thresor des deux langues françoise et espagnolle : auquel est contenue l'explication de toutes les deux respectiuement l'vne par l'autre : diuisé en deux parties / par Cesar Oudin.. A Paris chez Marc Orry... 1607 Oudin, Cesar Francia, París Orry, Marc, Imp. 1607
Tesoro dela passion sacratissima de Nuestro Rede[m]ptor [por Andres deli] Seuilla por Jacobo cromberger 1517 Li, Andrés de España, Sevilla Cromberger, Jacobo, Imp. 1517
Tesoro politico, cioè Relationi instruttioni trattati discorsi vari di ambasciatori. Pertinenti alla cognitione [et] intelligenza delli stati, interessi [et] dipendenze de i più gran prencipi del mondo. Nuouamente impresso. A beneficio di chi si diletta intendere, [et] pertinentemente discorrere le cose di stato. [Colonia] nell'Accademia Italiana di Colonia 1598 Alemania, Colonia , Accademia Italiana>, Imp. 1598
Tessere decades genealogiae Iesu ex Matthaei primo de Christo rege : cronos quadragesimale encyclopedia tandem... / magistro Francisco Sixto Neapolitano carmelita auctore... Cum indice copiosissimo rerum notabilium Venetiis [Bolognino Zaltieri] 1564 Sisto, Francesco (O.C.) Italia, Venecia Zaltieri, Bolognino, Imp. 1564
Tessere decades genealogiae Iesu ex Matthaei primo de Christo rege : cronos quadragesimale encyclopedia tandem... / magistro Francisco Sixto Neapolitano carmelita auctore... Cum indice copiosissimo rerum notabilium Venetiis [s.n.] 1564 Sisto, Francesco (O.C.) Italia, Venecia 1564
Testamenti novi : editio vvlgata Lvgdvni apvd Ant. Gryphivm 1578 Francia, Lyon Gryphius, Antoine, Imp. 1578
Testamento del rey don Fernando, aguelo del emperador Carlos 5 deste nombre. Testamento de la esclarecida reina católica doña Ysabel, mujer del católico rei don Fernando. Genealogía de Francisco Ximénez s. XVI
Testimonio autentico y verdadero de las cosas notables que passaron en la dichosa muerte del Rey N.S. don Felipe II ... : con muchas adiciones nueuas / autor ... don Antonio Ceruera de la Torre ... En Madrid porLuis Sanchez, 1600 Cervera de la Torre, Antonio España, Madrid Sánchez, Luis, Imp. 1600
Textus de sphaera / Ioannis de Sacrobosco introductoria additione... cum compositione Annuli astronomici Boneti Latensis et geometria Euclidis Megarensis Parisiis Simonem Colinaeum 1538 Johannes de Sacro Bosco Francia, París Colines, Simon de, Imp. 1538
The abridgement of the English chronicle first collected by M. Iohn Stow and after him augmented with very many memorable antiquities, and continued with matters forreine and domesticall, vnto the beginning of the yeare 1618 by E.H. ; there is a brief table at the end of the book Imprinted at London for the Company of Stationers1618 Stow, John Gran Bretaña, Londres , Company of Stationers (Londres), Imp. 1618
The ambassador / [by Hotman] Printed at London by V[alentine] S[immes]for Iames Shawe1603 Hotman, Jean, Sieur de Villiers Gran Bretaña, Londres Simmes, Valentine, Imp., Shawe, James, Imp. 1603
The annales, or a generall chronicle of England, begun first by maister Iohn Stow, and after him continued and augmented with matters forreyne, and domestique, auncient and moderne, vnto the ende of this present yeere 1614 / by Edmond Howes, gentleman Londini [Printed by Thomas Dawson] 1615 impensis Thomæ Adams Stow, John Gran Bretaña, Londres Dawson, Thomas, Imp. 1615
The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia / written by sir Philip Sidney.. London imprinted forH[umphrey] L[ownes]forMathew Lownes1613 Sidney, Philip Gran Bretaña, Londres Lownes, Humphrey , Imp., Lownes, Mathew, Imp. 1613
The customers apologie to be read more at large in Thesaurario Bodleyano Oxonij : heere onely abridged, paraphrased and fitted unto the written table or epitome of all his other workes touching trafficke and customes / [Thomas Milles] [London s.n.1609] Milles, Thomas Gran Bretaña, Londres 1609]
The first part of the historie of England. By Samuel Danyel. London printed [by Humphrey Lownes, John Beale, and William Jaggard] for the Company of Stationers 1613 Daniel, Samuel Gran Bretaña, Londres Lownes, Humphrey , Imp., Beale, John, Imp., Jaggard, William, Imp. 1613
The Florentine Historie Written in the Italian tongve, by Nicholo Macchiavelli... And translated into English by T. B. Esquire London printed by T[homas] C[reede],forW[illiam] P[onsonby]1595 Machiavelli, Niccoló Gran Bretaña, Londres Creede, Thomas , Imp., Ponsonby, William, Ed. 1595
The historie of all the Romane emperors beginning with Caius Iulius Caesar and successiuely ending with Rodulph the second now raigning : wherein ... are contained their liues and acts, together with the rising, greatnes and declining of the Romane Empire, the original and successe of al [sic] the most famous nations of the world ... and generally the most part of all the memorables warres and battailes that haue bin in the world since that time first collected in spanish by Pedro Mexia ; since enlarged in italian by Lodouico Dulce and Girolamo Bardi ; and now englished by W. T London printed for Matthew Lownes1604 Mexía, Pedro Gran Bretaña, Londres Lownes, Mathew, Imp. 1604
The historie of Guicciardin containing the warres of Italie and other partes, continued for manie yeares vnder sundrie kings and princes... reduced into English by Geffray Fenton Imprinted at London by Richard Field, dwelling in the Blackfriers by Ludgate1599 Guicciardini, Francesco Gran Bretaña, Londres Field, Richard, Imp. 1599
The historie of Iustine : containing a narration of Kingdomes from the beginning of the Assyrian monarchy vnto the raigne of the Emperour Augustus: whereunto is newly added a briefe collection of the liues and manners of all the Emperours succeeding vnto the Emp. Rodulphus now raigning / first written in Latine by that famous historiographer Iustine and now afaine newly translated into English by G.W. London printed by William Iaggard..1606 Justino, Marco Juniano Gran Bretaña, Londres Jaggard, William, Imp. 1606
The historie of Philip de Commines Knight, Lord of Argenton Imprinted at London by Ar. Hatfield, for I. Norton 1601 Commynes, Philippe de Gran Bretaña, Londres Hatfield, Arnold , Imp. 1601
The historie of the troubles of Hungarie: containing the pitifull losse and ruine of that kingdome, and the warres happened there, in that time, betweene the Christians and Turkes. By Mart. Fumee Lord of Genillé, Knight of the Kings order. Newly translated out of French into English, by R.C. Gentleman. London imprinted by Felix Kyngston 1600 Fumée, Martin Gran Bretaña, Londres Kingston, Felix, Imp. 1600
The historie of twelue caesars Emperors of Rome written in latine by C. Suetonius Tranquillus and newly translated into english by Philemon Holland... ; together with a marginall glosse and other briefe anotations thereupon Printed at London by H. Lownesand G. Snowdon forMathew Lownes 1606 Suetonio Tranquilo, Cayo Gran Bretaña, Londres Lownesand, Humphrey, Imp., Snowdon, George, Imp., Lownes, Mathew, Imp. 1606
The history of Great Britaine under the conquests of ye romans, saxons, danes and normans, their originals, manners, warres, coines [and] seales with ye successions, lives, acts [and] issues of the English monarchs from Julius Caesar to our most gracious soueraigne King James by John Speed Imprinted at London by William Hall and John Beale and are to be solde by John Sudbury [and] Georg Humble1611 Speed, John Gran Bretaña, Londres Hall, William , Imp., Beale, John, Imp. 1611
The inventory of all the household stuffe belonging to the Right Honorable Edward, Earle of Rutland, remaynyng at Beaber [i.e. Belvoir] Castle and Newark Castle and at Barston and here after at doth and may appeare platte exceptyd [ut vid.]. Taken the Vth day of february 1575 in the XVIIIth yeare of the reign of our... Lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God Quene of England, Frannce [sic] and Ireland, defender of the faith. Gloria. That is to say s. XVI-XVII
The lawes and actes of Parliament, maid be King Iames the first and his successours kings of Scotla[n]d... / visied, collected and extracted furth of the register [by Iohn Skene] ; the contentes of this buik are expreemed in the leafe following Edinburgh printed by Robert Walde-Grave1597 Escocia. Parliament Gran Bretaña, Edimburgo Waldegrave, Robert, Imp. 1597
The liefe and death of cardinall Wolsey Cavendish, George s. XVII (in.)
The offices of England aswell of his majesty's courtes of recorde as of his highnes most honorable housholde. The comsells of the north of Wales & the marches, the admiraltye, the minte, the armorye & the workes, townes of warre, castles & bullwarres & fortresses with his majesty's howses, parkes, forrests & chases & the fees to everie officer collected in anno 1611. s. XVII (1611)
The orator: handling a hundred seuerall discourses, in forme of declamations: some of the arguments being drawne from Titus Liuius and other ancient vvriters, the rest of the authors owne inuention: part of which are of matters happened in our age. Written in French by Alexander Siluayn, and Englished by L.P. London printed by Adam Islip 1596 Le Sylvain Gran Bretaña, Londres Islip, Adam, Imp. 1596
The principal nauigations, voyages, traffiques and discoueries of the English nation, made by sea or ouer-land, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth, at any time within the compasse of these 1600. yeres: diuided into three seuerall volumes, according to the positions of the regions, whereunto they were directed. The first volume containeth the worthy discoueries, [and] of the English toward the North and Northeast Sea, as of Lapland, Scriksinia, Corelia, the Baie of S. Nicholas, the Isles of Colge... V...z, and Newa Zembla, toward the great rive ob, with the mightie Empire of B... the Caspian Sea, Georgia, Armenia, Media, Persia, Boghar in Battia, and diuers Kingdomes of Tartaria: together with many notable monuments and testimonies of the ... forren trades, and of the warrelike and other shipping of this Relame of England in former ages. Wherunto is annexed a briefe comentarie of the true state of Island, and of the Northren seas and lands situate that way: as also theme morable defeat of the Spanish huge Armada, Anno 1588. The second volume comprehendeth the principall nauigations, voiages, traffiques, and difcoueries of the English. Nation, made by sea or ouer-land, to the south and south-east parts of the world, as well within as without the streight of Gibraltar, at any time within the compasse of their 1600 yeres : Diuided into two severall parts, [and]. By Richard Hakluyt preacher, and sometime student of Christ-Church in Oxford. Imprinted at London George Bishop, Ralph Newberie and and Robert Barker1599 [-1600] Hakluyt, Richard Gran Bretaña, Londres Bishop, George, Imp., Newbery, Ralph, Imp., Barker, Robert, Imp. 1599 [-1600]
The Romane historie written by T. Livius of Padua. Also, the Breviaries of L. Florus: with a chronologie to the whole historie: and the Topographie of Rome in old time. Translated out of Latine into English, by Philemon Holland. London , Adam Islip 1600 Livio, Tito Gran Bretaña, Londres Islip, Adam, Imp. 1600
The statutes at large : conteyning all such acts which at any time heretofore haue beene extant in print from Magna Charta vntill the sixteenth yeere of the Raigne of ... Iames ... King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland ... : diuided into two volumes .. London printed by Bonham NortonandJohn Bill1618 Inglaterra Gran Bretaña, Londres Norton, Bonham, Imp., Bill, John, Imp. 1618
The triumphs of truth. A solemnity vnparalleled for cost, art, and magnificence, at the confirmation and establishment of that worthy and true nobly-minded gentleman, Sir Thomas Middleton, knight, in the honorable office of his Maiesties lieuetenant, the lord maior of th thrice famous citty of London. Taking beginning at his Lord-ships going, and proceeding after his returne from receiuing the oath of maioralty at Westminster, on the morrow next after Simon and Iudes day, October 29. 1613. All the showes, pageants, chariots; morning, noone, and night-triumphes. Directed, written, and redeem’d into forme, from the ignorance of some former times, and their common writer, by Thomas Middleton. London printed by Nicholas Okes ... 1613 Middleton, Thomas Gran Bretaña, Londres Okes, Nicolas , Imp. 1613
The vievv of Fraunce. London Printed by Symon Stafford 1604 Gran Bretaña, Londres Stafford, Simon, Imp. 1604
The vvorkes of the most high and mightie prince, Iames by the grace of God, King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, [and] Published by Iames, Bishop of Winton, and deane of his Maiesties Chappel Royall. London printed by Robert Barker and Iohn Bill 1616 James I, King of England Gran Bretaña, Londres Barker, Robert, Imp., Bill, John, Imp. 1616
Theatro de los mayores principes del mundo, y causas de la grandeza de sus Estados: sacado de las Relaciones toscanas de Iuan Botero Benès : con cinco tratados de Razon de Estado por F. Iayme Rebullosa, de la Orden de Predicadores ... En Barcelo. por Sebast. Mateuad y Onofre Anglada : a costa de Raphel Viues 1605 Botèro, Giovanni (S.I.) España, Barcelona Matevad, Sebastián, Imp., Anglada, Onofre, Imp., Vives, Rafael, Ed. 1605
Theatro del mundo En Valladolid por Diego Fernández de Córdoba1585 Boaistuau, Pierre España, Valladolid Fernández de Córdoba, Diego II, Imp. 1585
Theatro del mundo y de el tiempo / compuesto por Ioan Paulo Gallucio... ; traducido de lengua latina en castellana y añadido por Miguel Perez Impresso en Granada en las casas del autor por su industria y a su costa por Sebastian Muñoz 1606 Gallucci, Juan Paulo España, Granada 1606
Theatro eclesiastico de las ciudades, e iglesias catedrales de España : vidas de sus obispos, y cosas memorables de sus obispados En Salamanca en la imprenta de Antonia Ramirez viuda 1618 González Dávila, Gil España, Salamanca Ramírez, Antonia, Imp. 1618