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Estatutos de Ynglaterra, Poesias, y otros libros de varias materias.
The statutes at large. fº. 2 volum. London, 1618.
The lawes and actes of Parliament made by king James the first and his successors. fº. Edinburgh, 1597.En escocés.
Aristotle, Politiques or discourses of gouernement. fº. London, 1598.
The ambassador. 8º. London, 1603.
Londons looking glasse. 8º. 1621.
An inuention for the making of all sorts of accompt, etc. 16º. London, 1618.
The Woorks of James the first King of England. fº. London, 1616.
Si r Thomas Moore, His woorks. fº. London, 1557.
Bernabe Barnes, Foure bookes of offices. fº. London, 1606.
Francis Masons, Consecration of Bisshops in the Church of England. fº. London, 1613.
The Customers. Apologie. fº.
Jacques Hurault, Politicke morall and martiall discourses. 4º. London, 1595.
A coppie of the latin oration od the lord George Ossolmski, Embassador of Poland to the Kings Maiestie. 4º. London, 1621.
Alexander Siluayns, Orator. 4º. London, 1596.
Thomas Middleton, The triumphs of truth touching of the sollemnity of made at the establishment of Si r Thomas Middleton, Lord Mayor of London. 4º. London, 1613.
Diuers discourses. 4º. 2 volum.
Si r Philipp Sidneys, Arcadia. fº. London, 1613.
Michel Draytons, Polyolbion. fº. London.